Message from CEO

The spirit of vitality and talent of young Iranian experts has always been and is our most important driving force in CFTIRAN.  From the beginning of the journey, when a group of academic elites of the country conceived the idea of ​​the third generation of building structures, until now, a team of more than 50 of the best talents of our country have joined our big family.  The creativity, boldness and self-belief of the youth has always opened new horizons of innovation for us and has institutionalized the believability of achieving any goal among us.

Yaser Bazr Afshan


مدیر عامل شرکت CFTIRAN
خدمات شرکت CFTIRAN

CFTIRAN Company Services


  • Excavation and implementation of the structure by TOP-Down method
  • Design and implementation of CFT structures
  • Design and implementation of SRC structures
  • Designing and implementing various pit stabilization methods
  • Designing all kinds of structures
  • Research and Development

Organization chart

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